
The “Bachelorette” Gabby & Rachel – Episode 4 Recap, My Possible Serious Injury, Hayden’s Apology and Your Daily Recap – Reality Steve

The "Bachelorette" Gabby & Rachel - Episode 4 Recap, My Possible Serious Injury, Hayden's Apology and Your Daily Recap - Reality Steve
Written by adrina

Well, yesterday was certainly interesting for me. I guess I’ll have more to reveal tomorrow, but yesterday at the gym I could have sworn I tore my Achilles tendon. Mountain climbing on the TRX, planted, and it felt like a weight was falling on my Achilles. Honestly, I thought one did. I had never felt anything like this before. No sharp pains though, I can walk with a limp, it’s tender when I pinch my Achilles tendon to the calf area, no more tenderness after that. Paramedics came and they didn’t seem to think it was completely torn based on what they had me do to my ankle. I can walk with a limp, I can even balance on this leg and even bend over to a point. Just feels very stiff and the Achilles tendon area is a bit swollen. No bruises or anything like that. So I was told that if I completely ruptured my Achilles tendon, there was no way I would be able to do any of it. But I definitely think it’s a severe strain or even a partial tear. Certainly scary to say the least and I have an X-ray at 3:15 today to see what we are dealing with. Thoughts and prayers for my Achilles ha ha.

Don’t forget to send your “reader emails” for tomorrow’s column to [email protected]. Any doctors in the house? Yes I know I’m getting an X-ray today and I’ll know for sure what it is but based on what I just described can you give me a preliminary diagnosis? I’ve had two major injuries my entire life: I broke my collarbone in 5th grade and torn ligaments in my ankle in the early 2000s. That’s it. So knock on wood, I don’t have my first major surgery coming up. That said, I know you probably have some questions/comments/thoughts after last night’s episode, so bring them in today and they’ll likely make it into tomorrow’s column.

Today’s Daily Roundup is also now available for your listening pleasure. I’ll talk a little about last night’s episode, a little more about my injury,

You can listen to today’s podcast on a number of platforms, but you can also tune in by clicking the player below:

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Music written by Jimmer Podrasky
(B’Jingo Songs/Machia Music/Bug Music BMI)

I know many of you are wondering where the spoilers are. Trust me, I get asked about it every day. The same thing happened recently with Peter’s season, Katie’s season and Clayton’s season. If I don’t have it right away, I get asked all the time. I get it. That’s the bar I’ve set for myself that everyone holds me to. And if I have spoilers, I give them. I was told so many things this season that it was really difficult to just get that confirmation of what is true and what is not. You might ask, “Well, why don’t you tell us what you heard?” Because I’m telling you something that I have no idea if it’s true or not:

1) Being accepted as fact immediately no matter how many times I preface it by saying, “That’s what I’m hearing, and I haven’t had it confirmed.” Trust me. I’ve been down this street before.

2) The things I hear may totally mischaracterize one or more of this season’s contestants.

3) Some of the information contradicts itself.

We know how fans of this show feel when “tea” is posted about contestants. He is guilty until proven innocent in the court of public opinion. Well, let me rephrase that. He is guilty until proven innocent if the candidate is someone the audience does not yet know or is a villain. If it’s a fan favorite? she always Get the benefit of the doubt first. Hypocrisy at its finest. I could throw out everything I have, leave some of it stuck, and then end up saying, “See, I told you I heard that.” But I don’t want to do business like that. As soon as I get something confirmed, I will pass it on. Until then, just trust me behind the scenes to know I’m doing whatever it takes to separate the truth from what’s just hearsay right now. As far as candidate news goes, there’s some pretty big stuff coming down the tube over the next few weeks. One you probably know as it was discussed earlier in the season and the other is probably the greatest story I’ve ever made. And it’s not good to say the least. But it’s something people need to know. I’m still putting all those details together, but I’m expecting them sometime this month.

Summary begins on page 2…

#Bachelorette #Gabby #Rachel #Episode #Recap #Injury #Haydens #Apology #Daily #Recap #Reality #Steve


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