
Big Brother 24 Live Feeds Week 4: Sunday Highlights

Alyssa and Brittany on Big Brother 24
Written by adrina

Sunday was a busy day at the Big Brother 24 home for Daniel and Nicole as they scramble to save their game ahead of Monday’s expected veto meeting. But while several HGs gave the couple false promises of hope, the secret plan continues to move forward.

On a lighter note, the HGs enjoyed putting together a celebration for Michael’s birthday, complete with cake and booze. HGs were willing to have fun and relieve stress.

If you have the live feeds (free trial), you can watch all those moments with the flashback feature to go back and look at important conversations or funny scenes you may have missed.

8:10 am BBT – Lights are on but HGs are not moving.

10:15 am BBT – HGs finally get their wake up call.

10:20am BBT – Jasmine bounces down the stairs, packed for winter. She tells Alyssa about her bleeding tooth.

10:30 BBT – Alyssa and Indy plan to keep a low profile today so they can survive the veto ceremony and hopefully be saved.

10:45 BBT – Nicole contacts Taylor about the possibility of them being the Renoms tomorrow. Nicole asks if she plans to talk to Monte. Taylor says they should work on Monte today.

11:15 BBT – Jasmine tells Indy that she heard Taylor say why she (T) should stand up when she’s going to be kicked out anyway. Indy says it’s time for Taylor to go.

11:20 BBT – Nicole goes to the HOH room to talk to Monte. Nicole asks what Ammerah could have said or done. Nicole feels that Ameerah betrayed her.

11:35 BBT – Nicole tries to avoid going upstairs. She warns Monte that the house could topple over and send her out instead of Taylor. Monte says Taylor has no support, but Nicole disagrees. Nicole suggests she drop some bombs on her way to the door.

12:00 PM BBT – Kyle tells Indy he plans to use the veto.

12:05pm BBT – Nicole tells Monte that she can read BS from across the room. She says if he renames Michael & Brittany then she will vote Brittany out.

12:35pm BBT – Big Brother dropped off a walking boot for Jasmine but it is not picked up.

12:55pm BBT – Indy asks Joseph why Nicole keeps going into the HOH room. She finds it strange.

13:00 BBT – Joseph leaves to check in with Monte. Monte says he tried to get Nicole to say she wanted to vote out Indy or Alyssa, but she didn’t, so he won’t claim that. Joseph says he will speak to Nicole to try and make her more comfortable. He tells Monte that they should continue the story with Terrance too, that they’re after Taylor.

13:10 BBT – Monte and Joseph both agree that it’s okay for Indy to stay for Jury as long as they don’t wrong her and make her mad at her in the meantime.

13:20 BBT – Nicole reports to Daniel and Terrance that she tried to convince Monte but doesn’t think it worked. She says she will be ready to fight. Daniel says they only need six votes for her to stay.

1:25pm BBT – Taylor says she plans to prank Nicole in her speech on Thursday. She plans to be wild unless it would harm the group.

13:35 BBT – Joseph confirms with Indy that the veto will be used on Monday.

13:50 BBT – Daniel explains to Indy how they need to keep Nicole so they have the numbers. Indy says she won’t vote against Nicole.

2:05pm BBT – Ants made it into the snacks.

14:40 BBT – Nicole checks in with Kyle, who confirms that he expects Taylor to be the Renom target. Nicole worries about going on the block. Kyle says Monte made it clear there was a BD plan.

2:45pm BBT – Kyle tells Nicole he will veto if Monte says he wants to because he doesn’t want to be on Monte’s bad side. Nicole says she will protect Kyle, but her ability to do so is waning.

15:10 BBT – Alyssa promises Daniel that she will keep Nicole if Daniel saves her with the veto. Daniel says they have to team up or Monte and Joseph will take over the game. Daniel thinks Kyle is the last vote he needs to get.

15:40 BBT – HGs host a funeral for Indy’s onion “Cry Baby”.

3:45pm BBT – Turner is frustrated because some of the HGs have made a feast of his HOH food which he now as HN cannot enjoy. He says he just has to watch them eat it and then goes inside.

3:55pm BBT – Daniel works on Kyle for his support with Nicole. Kyle says there’s no way people are going to keep Taylor over Nicole.

4:05pm BBT – Jasmine wonders if Big Brother would send her a birthday cake made by her mother. HGs doubt it.

4:05pm BBT – Kyle asks Daniel if he’s thinking about not using the veto. Daniel says he wouldn’t want to lose Indy. Kyle says he already promised Alyssa he would save her.

4:15pm BBT – Kyle scoffs at Daniel’s claim that Brittany, Turner and Taylor are working with Monte and Joseph. Daniel lays out all his theories. Daniel admits that Kyle could bring this back to Monte, but Kyle says he wouldn’t (he won’t).

4:40pm BBT – Alyssa tells Jasmine that she would vote Taylor out over Nicole because she doesn’t talk to Taylor.

17:30 BBT – Alyssa talks to Daniel and Nicole. She can’t imagine Nicole getting thrown out when she’s so popular in the house.

17:55 BBT – HGs found supplies for Michae’s birthday in storage.

18:20 BBT – Nicole promises Turner that she will never record him.

18:40 BBT – Kyle tells Taylor the plan is still going and going well. He is confident that Nicole will drive home on Thursday.

20:25 BBT – Kyle shares with Michael and Brittany what Daniel told him about HGs working together and that they need to team up to keep Nicole.

21:40 BBT – HGs gathered for dinner.

10:20pm BBT – HGs put the finishing touches on Michael’s birthday cake.

10:50pm BBT – HGs play bocce ball in the backyard.

23:00 BBT – Daniel and Nicole are in the backyard discussing concerts they’ve been to. General chatter.

00:00 BBT – Alyssa talks over the camera that she is changing to look better for a kiss.

00:05 BBT – HGs celebrate Michael’s birthday upstairs in the HOH room. He wanted them to recreate Keesha’s birthday event (BB10).

1:00 am BBT – HGs are still in the HOH space, walking around and telling about themselves.

0200 BBT – HGs still in HOH space.

02:20 BBT – Turner and Kyle exit the HOH room. Turner says he’s upset with the HGs.

2:35 BBT – Alyssa is talking to Turner and Kyle about tomorrow’s veto meeting. She plans her speech. Alyssa asks Kyle to use it.

3:00 am BBT – Most of the remnants (excluding Kyle or Turner) are still in HOH space. Brittany asks if it’s a mistake not to evict Alyssa while she’s up there.

3:20pm BBT – Turner came upstairs and Michael explains the discussion about keeping Nicole and getting Alyssa out this week. They want to talk to Kyle, but he’s down with Alyssa now. Brittany points out that Nicole would target her.

3:40 am BBT – Kyle and Alyssa are still together and flirting. They go out into the hammock. He wants to go to bed but she asks him to stay a while longer.

4:00 AM EST – The HOH crew continues to discuss the plan without Kyle. They wonder if they could recruit Indy to join them when Alyssa leaves this week.

4:15 am BBT – Kyle has finally joined them. Kyle points out that he has already promised to veto it. The group discussion continues.

4:30 BBT – Kyle urges keeping Alyssa and voting Nicole out.

4:45 BBT – Joseph wants Indy to know that she will stay on the block so she doesn’t get upset. They want Indy to join Michael & Brittany (to give them an eviction option, the two should be sent to the block as a couple).

5:00am BBT – The group agrees they want Nicole out but thinks it’s better to get Alyssa out and will only have to let her cry for a few days. Joseph encourages Kyle that this is better because it will help keep Michael and Brittany safer if Indy joins them. Joseph says M&B would help save Kyle if Kyle was on the block, but he doesn’t think Alyssa would do the same.

The Leftovers continue to debate what to do about the veto meeting and whether to go with the BD Nicole plan or just stick with sending Alyssa out the door. They don’t have much time to decide, and then there’s still a chance that Daniel could act alone with the veto decision and still use it, but we’ll have to see.

You can watch all of these Big Brother events with the Flashback Archive, the DVR-like feature of this year’s live feeds, meaning they’re always live even if you missed them! Sign up now to get the free trial to see everything live and uncensored.

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