UNITED STATES: A geoscientist claims that our perception of Ceres has long been blurry. In previous telescopic scans from Earth, Ceres, a dwarf planet and the largest body in the asteroid belt, which is the area between Jupiter and Mars dotted with hundreds of thousands of asteroids, lacked any observable surface features.
Then, in 2015, the blurred Ceres became visible. For scientists, this perspective was breathtaking. A clearer picture of the surface, including its composition and architecture, was provided by data and photos collected by NASA’s Dawn mission that showed geological activity.
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In previous observations, scientists had glimpsed Ceres’ overall size. It was believed to be dormant because it was so small. Instead, Dawn found a sizable plateau on one side of Ceres, about the size of an Earth continent, covering part of the dwarf planet. Rock fissures around him, clustered in one place.
In addition, there were obvious signs that this was an ocean world, including deposits all over the surface where minerals had condensed as the water evaporated.
King’s research on Ceres
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King, a professor in the Department of Geosciences who focuses primarily on studying larger bodies like planets, was curious how a body as small as Ceres could generate the heat needed to support this level of geological activity and the surface features observed by him to explain twilight.
He and a group of scientists from different universities, the United States Geological Survey and the Planetary Science Institute discovered through modeling that the interior of Ceres could remain active due to the decay of radioactive materials. The American Geophysical Union Advances recently published their research.
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Planets start hot, as King’s research on large planets like Earth, Venus, and Mars had shown time and time again. This initial heat comes from the collision of the parts that make up a planet. Ceres, on the other hand, was never big enough to grow into a planet and produce heat in the same way, according to King.
He studied the interior of Ceres using theories and computational techniques previously applied to larger planets. King searched data returned from the Dawn mission for evidence that could support his models. He wanted to understand how it could still generate enough heat to power geological activity.
Ceres started out cold and heated up due to the decay of radioactive elements like uranium and thorium, which was enough to fuel its activity until the interior became unstable, according to the team’s model of the dwarf planet’s interior.
According to the model, King would see one area of the interior suddenly begin to heat up and move up while the other area moves down.
Some of the surface features that formed on Ceres, as revealed by the Dawn mission, may have formed as a result of instability. The fractures were concentrated around the huge plateau that formed on only one side of Ceres and not the other. King recognized that there had been instability and that it had left a noticeable impact due to the concentration of features in one hemisphere.
King explained that it was discovered that the model could be used to demonstrate that where a hemisphere exhibited ascending instability, it would result in lengthening at the surface and be compatible with these fracture patterns.
The team hypothesizes that Ceres will once again have its unique cool, hot, and cool pattern, which deviates from the traditional pattern of a planet being first hot and then cool. From what we have demonstrated in this work, according to King, radiogenic heating alone is sufficient to produce intriguing geology.
He compares the moons of Uranus to Ceres, which should be given high priority for a major robotic expedition, according to a recent study commissioned by NASA and the National Science Foundation. He’s also excited to explore their interiors now that the model has received some more tweaks.
Some of these moons are roughly the size of Ceres, according to King. In his opinion, the application of the model would be incredibly exciting.
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