
“Sea monsters” were real millions of years ago. New fossils tell of their rise and fall

'Sea Monsters' Were Real Millions of Years Ago: New Fossils Tell Their Rise and Fall
Written by adrina

Sea monsters really existed 66 million years ago. They were mosasaurs, giant marine iguanas that lived at the same time as the last dinosaurs. The mosasaurs, up to 12 meters long, looked like a Komodo dragon with fins and a shark-like tail. They were also very diverse, developing dozens of species that filled different niches. Some ate fish and squid, others ate shellfish or ammonites.

Now we’ve found a new Mosasaurus that hunts large sea creatures, including Miscellaneous mosasaurs.

The mosasaur Thalassotitan attacks a smaller mosasaur species, Halisaurus. Art by Andrey Atuchin.

the new way Thalasso titanium atroxwas excavated in the Oulad Abdoun Basin of Khouribga Province, an hour outside of Casablanca in Morocco.

At the end of the Cretaceous, sea levels were high and flooded much of Africa. Ocean currents, driven by the trade winds, drew nutrient-rich groundwater to the surface and created a thriving marine ecosystem. The seas were teeming with fish, attracting predators – the mosasaurs. They brought their own predators, the giants Thalasso Titanium. Nine meters long and with a massive 1.3 meter long head, it was the deadliest animal in the sea.

Thalasso titanium size.

Most mosasaurs had long jaws and small teeth for catching fish. but Thalasso Titanium was built very differently. It had a short, broad snout and strong jaws shaped like those of a killer whale. The back of the skull was wide to attach large jaw muscles, giving it a powerful bite. Anatomy tells us that this mosasaur was adapted to attack and tear apart large animals.

The massive, conical teeth resemble the teeth of orcas. And the tips of those teeth are chipped, broken and ground down. This heavy attrition—not found in fish-eating mosasaurs—suggests that Thalasso Titanium damaged his teeth by biting into the bones of marine reptiles such as plesiosaurs, sea turtles, and other mosasaurs.

Thalasso titanium skull.

In the same place, we found what looks like the petrified remains of his victims. Produce the rocks Thalasso Titanium Skulls and skeletons are full of partially digested bones from mosasaurs and plesiosaurs. The teeth of these animals, including the two-foot skull of a long-necked plesiosaur, were partially eaten away by acid. This suggests they were killed, eaten and digested by a large predator, which then spat out the bones. We can’t prove it Thalasso Titanium ate them, but it fits the killer’s profile and nothing else does that makes him the prime suspect.

Remains of a small mosasaur, Halisaurus, with teeth eaten away by acids.

Thalasso Titaniumwhich is at the top of the food chain also tells a lot about ancient marine food chains and how they evolved in the Cretaceous period.

development of a killer

The discovery of Thalasso Titanium tells us about marine ecosystems just before the asteroid hit 66 million years ago and ended the age of dinosaurs.

Thalasso Titanium was just one of a dozen mosasaur species that lived in the waters off Morocco. Mosasaurs made up a fraction of all the thousands of species that inhabited the oceans, but the fact that predators were so diverse implies that the lower levels of the food chain were also diverse, allowing the oceans to feed them all. This means that the marine ecosystem was not in decline prior to the asteroid’s impact.

Instead, mosasaurs and other animals — plesiosaurs, giant sea turtles, ammonites, myriad species of fish, molluscs, sea urchins, crustaceans — thrived and then suddenly died out when the 10-kilometer-wide asteroid Chicxulub crashed into Earth, hurling dust and soot into the air and blocks the sun. The mosasaur extinction was not the predictable result of gradual environmental changes. It was the unpredictable result of a sudden catastrophe. Like a bolt from the blue, her end came quickly, definitively, unpredictably.

An asteroid is approaching Earth. NASA

But Mosasaurus evolution may have done it as well started with a disaster. Curiously, the evolution of the giant carnivorous mosasaurs is similar to that of another family of predators – the Tyrannosauridae. The giant t rex evolved on land around the same time mosasaurs became top predators in the seas. Is that a coincidence? Maybe not.

The tyrannosaur Tarbosaurus from Mongolia. Nick Longrich

Both mosasaurs and tyrannosaurs begin to diversify and grow simultaneously around 90 million years ago in the Turonian stage of the Cretaceous. This followed large land-sea extinctions about 94 million years ago on the Cenomanian-Turonian border.

These species extinctions are associated with extreme global warming – a “supergreenhouse” climate – fueled by volcanoes releasing CO2 into the atmosphere. As a result, giant predatory plesiosaurs disappeared from the seas and giant allosaur predators were wiped out on land. As predator niches remained vacant, mosasaurs and tyrannosaurs moved to the top predator alcove. Though wiped out by a mass extinction, Thalasso Titanium and t rex created by a mass extinction.

The bigger they are, the harder they fall

Top predators are fascinating because they are large, dangerous animals. But their size and position at the top of the food chain also make them vulnerable. You have fewer animals as you move up the food chain. It takes a lot of small fish to feed a big fish, a lot of big fish to feed a small mosasaur, and a lot of small mosasaurs to feed a giant mosasaur. That means top predators are rare. And apex predators need a lot of food, so they get in trouble when the food supply is cut off.

As the environment deteriorates, dangerous predators can quickly become endangered species.

It’s this sensitivity to environmental changes that predators like Thalasso Titanium so interesting for studying extinction. They suggest being a top predator is a risky evolutionary strategy. Over short periods of time, evolution drives the development of larger and larger predators. Their size means they can compete for prey and defeat it. But over long periods of time, specialization in the apex predator niche increases vulnerability to disaster. Eventually, a mass extinction wipes out the top predators and the cycle begins again.The conversation

Nicholas R LongrichLecturer in Paleontology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Bath

This article was republished by The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.

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